Coerced Abortion

Often, when speaking about past abortion, we talk a lot about “the choice” that was made. Some women, however, never felt like they had a choice at all. At (UN)covered, we want you to know that coerced abortion is very real, the effects can be severe, and there is hope and healing for you, too. […]
Moving from Coping to Healing After an Abortion

Before an abortion, it’s often easy to think that it will fix the “problem” and you won’t have to think about it anymore. Many women are surprised with the grief that they cope with after an abortion. This can be even more difficult because many women who choose abortion may not feel like they have […]
What You Might Not Know About Abortion Pain

As a post-abortive person, you know firsthand the pain of abortion wounds and the symptoms of post-abortion trauma. Are you aware, though, that heightened abortion pain often coincides with your abortion anniversary date? Be Aware of Abortion Anniversary Pain If you experience cyclical sadness, depression, and anxiety around your abortion anniversary date, you’re not alone. […]
Hope For Abortion Wounded Hearts

Do you have abortion(s) in your past? (UN)covered JXN is an abortion recovery ministry, and we know firsthand what abortion wounds feel like. We want you to feel seen and understood. Most of all, we want to help you embrace the hope of God’s promises for you. There is healing uniquely set aside for you. […]
Advantages in Attending an Abortion Recovery Weekend Retreat

We’ve already talked about how it’s normal to have some fears about attending an abortion recovery weekend retreat and what those fears might be. Now, it’s time to talk about the unique advantages of attending an abortion recovery weekend retreat! Like we have said before, weekend retreats are one of the most valuable tools to […]
Common Fears about Attending an Abortion Recovery Retreat

Weekend retreats are one of the most valuable tools to seek healing from a past abortion. Sometimes, though, it can be easy to fear the unknown – especially when it requires digging up emotions and memories that are not pleasant for you. We know that the unknown can be scary, and those feelings are valid. […]
Why it’s Important to Seek Healing

Living with a past abortion and unhealed heart makes it so difficult to break through the uncertainty, skepticism, and hopelessness you might be feeling. To move past these feelings, it’s important to work through the shame that is weighing you down, understand how your past abortion might be affecting your present relationships, and how your […]
Abortion Wounded Heart Personal Assessment

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please reach out – we’re here to meet you where you are.
Do You Have An Abortion Wounded Heart?

Before you had an abortion, you may have read a list of possible side effects. You might even have heard another woman’s testimony about how abortion wounded them and affected their life. The heartbreaking truth is, however, that you can’t really know what it means to have an abortion wounded heart until you experience the […]
Symptoms of Post-Abortion Stress Pt. 2

It is so important in your journey toward healing that you fully understand Post Abortion Syndrome and everything that it can mean for you and your life. You may know what the common symptoms of Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome are, but it is also important to understand a more comprehensive and nuanced list of emotional and […]